About - Lisa Mayer

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Trainer at Rocking Wolf Ranch

To find my place in the horse world took me a while. When Paldur Puff crossed my path, everything changed... She introduced me to a world I could not imagine I would ever be a part of: reined cow horses!

Together we started out at local cutting and reined cow horse events. The more I got involved in this sport, the more passionate I became. I started to eagerly learn more about the art of taining and showing reined cow horses!

It takes that special horse to go down the fence for the very first time. Paldur Puff was this horse and still amazes me with her reliability in the show ring. She doesn´t cease to teach me more every time out! In the meanwhile I´m improving my skills training young stock to work properly out of a herd, to accept willingly guidance in a reining pattern and to go down the fence with that incredible confidence that Paldur Puff taught me.

It does take a very special horse to do all three events at such a high level. I´m looking forward to facing this challenge not only with Paldur Puff but also the young and upcoming stock!

Training and Showing Reined Cow Horses
email: lisa.mayer@rocking-wolf-ranch.com
519 270 4109
Coaching, Clinics & Lessons for all Levels of Riders and Horses
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